Google Chrome Update Available

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Google Chrome update available, Chrome users need to click on 'About Google Chrome' ( under the wrench, at the top/right of your Google Chrome browser ). 
A pop-up similar to the one above will appear on your browser screen, and the user will be prompted to check for updates. After about a minute of checking and updating the user will be prompted to close, and restart their Chrome Browser to finish the installation.

The process takes less than two minutes. This release includes two security updates. The release notes will have a full list of changes.

Three Processing Modes

Monday, January 19, 2009

Behind the scenes, Chrome can run in three processing modes. The most efficient of these is single process mode. To use this mode, open Chrome's properties in the Start menu and add the string '-single-process' (without the quotes) to the end of the Target box. Now, no matter how many tabs you open, the browser will use just one process.
If you add the string '-process-per-site' to the Target line, Chrome will open a new process for each tab, but if you open the same site in two tabs, it will run them on the same process. The string '-process-per-tab' will force Chrome to create a completely new process and use a new memory space for each tab, which is its default.
Thanks Tech Radar!